March issue of Ellipsis is out!
Lots of writers: Brian Evenson, Laird Hunt, Tara Blaine, Daniel Wallace, Jim Scott, James Drinard, Willie Smith, Mark Gluth, Connie Voisine...Kalayeh (that's me, what up?)
And it's looking better and better. I haven't got a chance to check out the issue. It literally just came in. I will probably check out Richard Froude's interview with Tara first off. I think she's hot.
Anyway, great job Ellipsis. I hope the world is treating you right. You are definitely giving us all something extraordinary.
To get Ellipsis in your store just request it. According to H. Perry Horton, the magazine's editor-in-chief, it is now available nationwide. Simply contact your local bookseller and offer them the following info., along with the mag's title.
Here it is from the Editor's Mouth:
1. Ingram Periodicals - ingramperiodicals.com - 1-800-627-MAGS (nationwide and chain stores, like universities run by Barnes and Noble)
2. Ubiquity Magazines - ubiquitymags.com - 718-875-5491 (east coast independent stores)
3. Small Changes - smallchanges.com - 1-800-GET-MAGS (west coast independent stores)
4. Media Solutions - 615.213.0081 (east coast Books-a-Million stores)
Spread the fire. The fever is catching.
I will catch you guys on the flip,
tara is a writer.
tara is a babe.
me likes her too.
You know her?
I'll fight you for her. You remember how to wrestle?
We could always box.
Either that or a drinking contest.
Which do you prefer?
I am doing a comic at work right now. It's cracking me up.
I might even scan it here.
Hold up...
Doing it now.
But, yeah, fight you to the death.
Either that or burn myself in effigy.
Either that or turn on a dime.
Either that or take a dump.
Either that or make no cents.
Either that or turn into a bird.
Either that or punch you in the face.
(These are meant to be funny. I don't know if they are. That's okay. Whenever something's not funny, I'll just call it poetic.)
well, maybe she would like us both. Tara, you out there?
but if she doesnt
thumb wars
keg stands
dance off
you pick yr poison. we might have to do this long distance. online keg stands.
never met her. enjoying her work in Ellipsis very much though.
Online kegstand definitely.
Honestly, I am pretty sure you'd bowl me over on that one. It's about as comprable as us doing a sing off. Not that I've heard you sing, but if we throw some freestyle in there, and then it would be like the Ghostbusters: Who you gonna call?
So it's about 2 in the morning brother. I just got back from the Improv Olympic. This bar / sketch comedy theater. I ran into Dacheux and Alabaster. Some funny stuff. JP was knocking 'em silly too.
What else?
Mark Parsia, the drummer in one of my first bands, was in from NY. We had a nice sit down while listening to the Swingers. It was fun.
But, yes, I read Tara's interview. They seemed to get cooking a bit later on. You can definitely tell it was an interview. Psychology, humor, and improv are what she digs. An interesting combination.
Glad you were excited about Process Media. They are a good company. Very hip. I might just peek my head into their workshop tomorrow, considering it's my neck of the woods.
What's going on with the book? When's the release date?
Make sure you get me a bunch of copies to put on consignment out here. I'll arrange a couple readings if you like too. Whatever your pleasure.
Okay, buckaroo. Going to write a bit and then hit the hay.
Love ya,
P.S. I'm done with chasing. Give me some bait and tackle. Lets go fishing.
you two are silly--
like cats are furry, dense, and flexible.
Hear ye, hear ye!
The unimpeachably virginal maiden Tara demands
A Joust!
for her honour and hand.
All Knights chivalrous and brave are hereby invited to compete
to the DEATH!!
upon mighty steeds.
Hear the thunder of hooves! See the lightning clash of metal! Smell the delicious aroma of corndogs!
Saturday, April 1st, 2006
6:00 p.m.
This blog, Cyberspace
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