Institutionalized Genie

I don't wish I was older.
I don't wish I were Pinnochio.
I don't wish I were you.
I don't wish I was eating lobster.
I don't wish in Japanese.
I don't wish for AIDS.
I don't wish during baseball games.
I don't wish for a cape or secret identity.
I don't wish to be Beck.
I don't wish to be the color red.
I don't wish to swallow things I dislike.
I don't wish to run for President.
I don't wish to be a shoe salesman.
I don't wish to be in a heavy metal rock band.
I don't wish around deep holes procured for liquid sustenance.
I don't wish bats were flying through my window.
I don't wish for a shotgun.
I don't wish I could MOONWALK like Michael Jackson.
I don't wish breakdancing was never invented.
I don't wish I was Albert Einstein or Hitler.
I don't wish I was made of butter.
I don't wish I had the perfect rhyme.
I don't wish The Beatles stayed together.
I don't wish my friends hadn't died.
I don't wish I had it all figured out.
I don't wish I were Tom Cruise.
I don't wish I was the Governor of California.
I don't wish I did better in school.
I don't wish I was Enlightened.
I don't wish to spontaneously combust.
I don't wish I was in the WWF.
I don't wish for a heavyweight title.
I don't wish to learn how to crochet.
I don't wish to fly or shoot webs from my wrists.
I don't wish my skeleton was made of titanium.
I don't wish to be skinny.
I don't wish to watch Grey's Anatomy.
I don't wish for a good life.
I don't wish it wasn't snowing.
I don't wish for relationships.
I don't wish for ice cream.
I don't wish I was Mel Gibson.
I don't wish I washed dishes.
I don't wish to change vessels.
I don't wish for a cleaner carpet.
I don't wish I didn't grant wishes.
I don't wish I could get out.


Unknown said...

is this inspired by kelly mark?

Pirooz M. Kalayeh said...

Ah, Kelly Mark's "I Really Should" piece? It's a nice poem. It does have that flavor, because it is long and repetitive, but I actually got the idea from Loren Goodman. He passed on a writing exercise he was once given, where the phrase would be "I wish I were ________ ". He said the only requirement was to include the following three items: 1) a comic book or cartoon character; 2) a color; and 3) a major city or location.

Although I liked the idea of doing the exercise, when I sat down to write, I found that I was happy with what I had, and that I actually didn't believe in wishing for anything. Such an act just never made things happen for me. It has been doing rather than wishing, so I followed the opposite to see what would happen.

Have you tried doing the exercise?