Kasey is hard at work trying to plan an avant garde literary event at alternativewritingconference.blogspot.com. If you have a chance to donate money, volunteer, or offer some feedback on the process, please go visit and say hello. I am sure if the community pulls together we can make Kasey's event a fantastic hurrah.
As far as names for the conference, I nominate K's RITING KONFRENCE. It's got a ring to it. Here's a drawing:
If you like books about packaging enlightenment and futuristic corporations, visit THE WHOPPER STRATEGIES. If you lust music, you can get hooked on The Slipshod Swingers. and their records: Woes & Hail Mary's, Orange Lamborghini, and Transistor Radio. If you are curious about the latest movies on the horizon with ILIKENIRVANA, be sure to drop a line at the website, or hit me up here regarding interviews, upcoming art projects, or fantastic links.
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