(Charging for downloads or to be a part of the group, I still haven't figured out yet. Maybe, it will be free until we have a library of 10,ooo users.)
So in essence, it is a searchable and easily accessible linked format that will allow artists outside the corporate structure to build financial stability, community, an easy way to put work out to the world, recieve feedback, and link up with other artists.
Here it is visually.

The home page. It links you up to what you want to upload or download. Jimmy Smits, our frindly site user comes to THE COLLECTIVE SITE. He likes movies. He clicks FILM...

This takes JIMMY to the FILM page. He can browse by GENRE. He could even SIGN IN or UPLOAD now as well. JIMMY decides to find a COMEDY...

On the COMEDY page, JIMMY can search by DIRECTOR, LATEST UPLOADS, view his PREVIOUS PICS, other USER'S PICS, etc. JIMMY decides to click LATEST UPLOADS...

LATEST UPLOADS lists the COMEDY films. They tell JIMMY the TITLE, the LENGTH of the film, a brief description, USER REVIEW ratings, and a little pic that goes with the film. JIMMY clicks THE CHUMP link from the pic on the left.

This takes JIMMY to CHUMP page on THE COLLECVTIVE. This gives a detailed description, more user reviews, a LINK to other ITEMS jimmy might want, the CHUMP BLOG or WEBSITE, an ABOUT THE DIRECTOR page, and a CONTACT...JIMMY pushes ABOUT THE DIRECTOR...

Now JIMMY SMITS gets to read about JOHN MITCHELL, the director of CHUMP. This is all text that JOHN added to the COLLECTIVE, when he uploaded his short film. The UPLOLAD page asked him to put in a description, the actual content. The COLLECTIVE automatically lists JOHN'S 5 NEWEST FRIENDS, as well as JOHN'S most recent DOWNLOADS from the COLLECTIVE.
This makes JIMMY SMITS curious. He doesn't want CHUMP anymore. He is curious about WHOLE MILK by JIM GOAR. He clicks this link and it takes him to the WHOLE MILK page...

Like the CHUMP page, WHOLE MILK talks about the book, allows a partial download, a sample audio track, and a purchase button. The purchase button will take SMITS to either a website provided by the author (lets say EFFING PRESS), or if the author is self-publishing; his own website, or (this is a possibility): the COLLECTIVE has 10,000 users, and links up with some print on demand company ( that provides books, audio, prints, dvds, etc.
Why not make trades possible as well. We could create a link, whereby, one artist sends another artist an email that says,
"Pirooz" has invited you to be his friend. Have a free download on him."
For those of you (ALAN) actors out there, this is a great venue for putting your face and work out there. Use the VLOGS to make short clips. Improv, some HAMLET, a short 5 minute sketch, an interview, read a poem (voice over) while you film a cow's backside. We could have a separate link called THEATER. A sub-division called IMPROV...
There are infinite possibilities.
To learn more about self-publishing visit DAVID ST LAWRENCE.
To learn how to create a vlog (video log) click HERE.
To learn how to put out a nonfiction book visit SETH GODIN.
To email me click Pirooz M. Kalayeh
To read about the economic idea behind the COLLECTIVE visit THE LONG TAIL.
To become a part of THE COLLECTIVE. Make some comments. Tell your friends. Lets make this thing grow into a beautiful butterfly.
Hey Pirooz, I've been enjoying your book! I like this idea a good deal but think it would be "rad" if the work available was free to the public. Free art! But artist's gotta live. Maybe it could be worked out so the work is free but the artists get paid through sponsored advertisement. I know evil Walmart is a sponsor of Netflix.
I like how this blog entry blends fiction with non fiction. The future is now. global monopoly! A little harsh but oh well. I strongly suggest anyone checking out shikow to become more in tune with what's going down. Because it's going to be big
What can i do to help?
D--I have not worked out how payment will work. I am open to suggestions. Right now I am looking to see how the technical aspect will work.
M--Thanks for the support.
J--The more we talk about this idea on our blogs-the more opportunities will present themselves. Maybe, a post that says something like, "Here's an idea..." I am sure you know best.
B--Yes, I have written a series of books. The first is called, "The Whopper Strategies." I can either send you one by post or email. Just email me the info.
As far as serious, yes this website is serious. It really is a collective. Any ideas that can be brought to the table, especially on the technical or monetary (how much do we charge? is it free?) aspects would be appreciated.
To All--Any who have ideas or directions. Let me know. p.kalayeh[at]
Will do. I will draw up a schematic tonight. I will post it tonight as well. Thanks for the input everybody.
John S--Does this mean you can help create this?
Yes, fun sounds good. Keep it fun. 5 miles an hour or absolute nothing. That's how I roll too.
Speaking of which, my schematic post will have to wait until tomorrow night. A friend needed advice. A brother, in fact. The cutest there ever was.
was thinking, it's great to be able to get access to all these arts, but some, like sculpture, painting, dance, etc. will give access to viewing these pieces only, meaning, seeing what it looks like but not "the real thing/in person", whereas things such as film, music, are more along the lines of the thing itself. So, another aspect could be an ebay type auction deal, or set price as set by the artist, as John was saying, and things like paintings, the actual painting, say, could also be bid on and bought through the same program. Or, you can just download the image onto your computer for a different price, or free, depending on how it would be best for the artists and most accessible to the public.
yes, right on. paintings, prints, and sculptures would be an auction arrangement. good thinking. what else you got?
Anybody else have ideas?
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