A Skunk, Coyote, and Nightingale

There are skunks everywhere in Hollywood. Coyotes too.

Last night Dacheux made friends with a coyote.

"Don't go near it, Pirooz!"

"But it's so cute," Alan said.

"You want me to go say hi?"

"Yes," Timeray nodded.

I reach out my hand. I make kissing sounds.

The coyote stops. Then runs. Then stops again.

He is a good coyote.

"Oh, look how nice," Alan smiles.

Later, we walk down Franklin. I sing to a Nightingale. It whistles back.

"What's up with that crazy bird?" Jesse asks.

"It's a nigthingale," I say. "They don't repeat the same song twice."



We walk towards the Fortress. I tell everyone how I ran into a skunk and cat the night before.

"It was like Peppe Lapew."

"Ha," the group laughs.

"The skunk was sniffing on the cat."

"Skunk love," Alan remarks.

"Heeey," Dacheux winks.

I make a left down Taft. I wave goodbye.

The group stops. They turn. They reach out for shakes and hugs. I offer where I'm needed. I turn again. I cross the street. I think that about how there are a lot of animals in Hollywood. I think about calling Timeray. I do.

She tells me things.

I lean against a tree.

I say goodbye.

I walk home. I lie down. I sleep.

1 comment:


we are silly little animals. my legs are a tired from dancing the chicken squack on tables? eeek. sleep dacheux sleep. dream of more chicken squacks.