I. A Mental Odyssey

II. At Church

III. The Love of My Life

Quick Links:
Byron Katie
Saadi of Shiraz
Coalition of Concerned Legal Professionals
Judgment DayMars 2005**
*Quick Links are listed for educational purposes. I am not a proponent of any of the spiritual texts, legal organizations, or persons referenced. Please follow your own gauge in all things.
**October 30th is a very big day. Mars will be at her largest diameter in the sky. Ready those telescopes, explorers. She is here.
Your writing is as beautiful as you are.
This is a gorgeous compliment. I can see its mini-skirt. Maybe, a cute halter top. Some Dolce Gabanna's. Yes, I am looking as good as this compliment. Fine. Like a grain of sand.
Love You Philly Girl,
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