Okay, beautiful artists. Last I heard someone named JOHN SULLIVAN
(for those of you who come to this site, and are like, "Dude, where are the comics? I need my fix. Give me an interview. Shit, man, something. That comice was too short." I will draw something just for you. It's called, "HELLO YELLOW." Keep reading. The Search Continues...)

JIMMY SMITS are friendly site user is back. He dug the story by DYLAN HOCK so much, he wanted to post his own. In order to do so, he simply goes to the HOME PAGE, and clicks FICTION, then UPLOAD CONTENTS. This takes him to the UPLOAD page above.
He fills in his NAME, the pdF from his BROWSER, TITLE, BIO, WEBSITE LINK, an AUDIO EXCERPT, and picks his GENRE.
[Now GENRE is an interesting thing. Why have a different drop box for each art form. Lets make it simple. I am all for what is simple. Here it is...the GENRE drop box will be the same as your BLOCKBUSTER: COMEDY, DRAMA, FOREIGN, ACTION, HORROR. I think this will be funny. Maybe, we could add another category like, CRUNCHY or STALE.]
Anyway, JIMMY SMITS clicks on CRUNCHY, because he's curious. Then he clicks SUBMIT. Boom! And just like that, he's got something up on THE COLLECTIVE...

JIMMY SMITS also has a short film, and after seeing PAIMAN'S newest short, he decides to submit his horror film, MUHAHA.
He clicks FILM on the HOME PAGE, and then UPLOAD, and he's golden. It's just like submitting a story.

The AUCTION upload is an add-on. Very simple. How will the bidder pay and delivery costs. That's it.
Of course, the auctions may have to wait for a bit. I have no idea. Is this something that can be created easily. I do not know. Since John is the resident, technical JUGGERNAUT, we will have to wait for word.
Any ideas? Some BLUE SKY THINKING? What up?
In other news, I have fallen in love. I will make a movie of my heart. It sounds like a SAXOPHONE. Hear it bellows:

to be continued...
When I read "collective" I think of arguments over dishwashing, and the guy who doesn't bathe and insists on doing his painting at 2am to Napalm Death. Where will I be able to find this here?
Pirooz, I admire your energy - have you scoured the web to see if there are any existent versions of this out there? If you didn't look so damn fine and beefy in that "I live in LA, hell yeah" photo up top there, I'd say hands off John Sullivan, he's the subdaypress.org tech guru. But why so selfish? There is plenty to go round... unless there isn't, then its html dukes up - Beat it style. but who gets to be Michael jackson?
Haha. Yes. I hear you. Too funny. I am taking this thing slow. I have no idea how to do the technical side of things. If John wants to rock, he will I guess. Who knows what will happen? I have no idea. I like dreaming though. I also feel that this idea is possible with no maintenance at all. Simply put it up there for people to utilize free of charge. So if John helps out, I doubt there would be a conflict. I also want to look into learning this language myself, so we will see what ends up being easy without any "Beat It" scenes. Although I would dance with you anytime. Just name the Karaoke bar.
I have seen many sites that do partials of this. I haven't seen it grouped together though.
Yes, dishwashing. Ha! I had an aversion to COLLECTIVE when I first heard it. Then I found myself calling this idea that, and it's growing on me. It still does bring images of that sort; in a different way though, cause it's got a whole new bag of chips.
They crunch like, "Cama-say-cama-saw-camoo-ma-coosa..."
I love that you brought up MJ circa 1983. I had the red jacket when I was little. I would choreograph my own version of Thriller. I would get the kids in the neighborhood, and make them do these great spins. Then we would be monsters with our hands doing the ghoulish zombie walk in Night of the Living Dead. mmmm. Tasty stuff.
You get my last e-mail? Holler.
on the love--
you gotta do what you gotta do.
on the blog--
it's there. it's right there. Little bit little bit boom.
on the collective site--
I like the idea of titling the site "The Family" portraits of people Kmart style with all the info below. Or maybe Family Tree style. That's how the links happen.
Links-- like splitting the wires on a telephone.
nice saturday at the Sabve with you. nice.
JS--Hear you on the multi-genre keyword tag. Whatever's easiest. Same goes with the time space nickel slots. There is no rush on this project. It will evolve naturally I am sure. Thanks for your love and enthusiasm. I am sure it will be a great thing.
Dacheux--Ah, yes. La familia. You are Don Dacheux. I am the James Caan character. He was my favorite. I always wanted the Godfather to concentrate on him. He seemed to have the best story. And yes, "little bit...little bit...boom." You know it, girl. It was great hanging with you on Saturday too. Kisses to Alan. Let me know as soon as things work out with the art dealer. :)
Pirooz--You are funny talking about Michael Jackson. I heard you had a dream last night. Bill Cosby was in it. He was playing kick ball with kids, giving them motivational speeches. Then there was that whole part where Billy Joe from Green Day was giving your brother an autograph. What was that all about?
i was just talkin' bout the Cos. Did he used to smoke a cigar?
Don Dacheux--He still smokes cigars. You can see bill on several covers of Cigar Aficianado. At Weller/Grossman I wore a sweater one day, and now several of my co-workers keep mentioning my Cosby sweaters. So, yes, the man has an effect on me too. Him and Mr. Rogers. The WG folks also sing the MR. ROGERS song when I come in, because I take off my shoes when I get to my cubicle. I am one strange corporate employee.
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