The Sleeping Lion

I finished another painting last night. It is an interesting piece. I have never worked with pearls or beads. I thought it'd be a challenge. It was. There were several times when I thought the piece would turn to utter shit. I half like it though. Definitely different. Now, all I need to do is make a couple more.


Pirooz M. Kalayeh said...

I now feel like this painting needs to be done again.

Anonymous said...

i like the beads and pearls! why do you feel like it needs to be done again?


Pirooz M. Kalayeh said...

I am glad you like them. It just looks so weird to me.

jwg said...

I really like it too. The beads remind me of painted sand.

Pirooz M. Kalayeh said...

Well, there is painted glass filling the paws of the lion and chalices of the angels, so that might explain the evocation.