Ji Ju Island, Part 1

The family left for the weekend to Ji Ju Island. We packed light.

Our first stop was to a play on the life of Genghis Khan put on by a troupe of Mongolian horse riders with riding and weapons skills in tow.

My brother-in-law and his wife were cheering for Genghis Khan. I was like, "No Genghis! Die!"

He didn't.

He kicked everyone's ass and then had his army do tricks for everyone.

I was impressed with Genghis and his band of merry men. I got this picture and kissed the horse. It was sweaty from all the Genghis-ness. I whispered to him. "Genghis," I sniffed. "We meet again."

After going to the after party with Genghis, we headed off for a green tea plantation.

No one was working the fields, so we headed inside to catch some tea pots and paintings on display. I really liked this one. I think I'll do a version once I get situated in Cali.

I took a picture of the artist's name to look it up later. Does anyone know him or her?

I didn't. I didn't feel like standing on the roof either, so I laid down on a park bench.

I didn't get a chance to stare at the sky too long. We had to head off to this other island close by. We putted off in this cruiser.

Once we got to the mini-island, we took some family pics. I wanted a shot of me in front of this light house, so I climbed the mofo.

Then we got the family shot with ocean as background. That's an absolute must for Korean families.

I wanted a shot of me on top of this lava formation, but all the shots are too far away. I was too lazy to climb to the top twice though.

I preferred to join my little friend here. Family trips with the Kwon family are tiring. It's non-stop. Thankfully, we took a break after the island.

(More tomorrow)

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