The last few weeks have definitely been busy. I am now working four jobs. It's not that bad because all of them are part time, so they equal out to me working one full time job. At least that's the way Sogee puts it.
"You are working a 9 to 5 basically," she says.
I appreciate her putting things in perspective. I would rather be working the one job though. Of course, I know that's not possible. I have to work this way to create the right amount of freedom for making and finishing the films on the horizon.
As it stands now, THE HUMAN WAR will be completed within the month. We are literally weeks away from submitting the film to get color correction and sound mastering completed. Once we get those final elements, we will be able to concentrate more fully on what festivals we'll be submitting to in the next couple months, and how we can potentially create some premieres in Ohio, NYC, and Los Angeles.
The other day when I was watching a cut with Tom, I felt overwhelmed about bringing this film into being. I think I might have even cried a little if I let myself go there.
"Looks good," I said to Tom.
"What?" Tom asked.
"The movie is looking good."
"Yeah, it's getting there."
I kept talking after that and making myself a little more overwhelmed. Then my mind wandered to the next movies on the horizon. I will be shooting footage for a documentary about Brad Warner in November and January. This will be my first time making a documentary. I am fairly nervous and not really nervous at the same time. I guess it's the rush before going to film that I'm feeling. I never know how these things will turn out. Sometimes it goes nice and easy. At other times, it can be really hectic.
I am hoping for nice and easy. I am also hoping that the progression to see SHOPLIFTING FROM AMERICAN APPAREL the movie come into being is the same way. As it stands now, I've finished the screenplay and I'm now starting to form the LLC and get investments going. I am hoping to raise between 40-50k. That would see me through filming and post-production.
We'll see if I can raise the funds for a summer shoot. In all honesty, it may take longer to raise all the money. I've got a deadline though. March 20, 2011. If I don't raise at least 25k by then, then I'll postpone filming until the winter. I'm hoping to get it all squared away now though. I think it's possible. I have friends and family. I have a good script. I will also have a couple TV stars in this film. It just might all work out. Who knows? Time will tell.
On a completely different front, I'm going to be even busier in the next couple weeks making my PhD submissions to University of Denver and USC. I will only be applying to two schools this year. Sogee is still in grad school at CalState, so that limits my mobility. I also don't have an interest in too many other schools because they simply don't have a digital media studies program that leans on creation rather than scholarship exclusively.
It looks like Denver may be able to accommodate a joint venture between the English and Media Studies program. In contrast, USC already has a media studies program that is right in line with my goals.
As most of you know, I have been interested in combining comics, film, animation, and text into panels that would be made available as interactive web-based content or in an e-book format. By doing either of these programs, I would be able to continue to pursue my interests in technology, media, and writing. It seems like the right move forward because I'm more interested in exploring the effects of media along with the actual knowledge and creation of artistic projects simultaneously. This mode forward also allows me to continue to make films, music, artwork, and write. We'll see if I am successful with my application. I have not had much like with PhD programs in the past, but maybe USC and Denver will open their doors.